Rating: 1
Join Save the Sound and the West River Watershed Coalition for a workshop focused on water quality in the West River. WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th from 6:30-8:30pm at the Barnard Nature Center in West River Memorial Park. Entrance on Derby Ave, west of intersection of Derby and Ella T. Grasso Blvd. Register here: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=vpnrezcab&oeidk=a07eaykoo7ge23b83a6 Take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the West River Watershed Plan (in progress) and contribute to the plan by helping us develop recommendations for restoring the West River and its watershed. The West River runs 25 miles from Bethany, CT to New Haven Harbor. While the river is only 25 miles long, the West River Watershed covers over 34 square miles of land--including parts of Hamden, Woodbridge, New Haven and West Haven--all of which drains to the river over land or through its many tributaries. If you live in, work in, or just enjoy the West River and its tributaries--join us! BE A PART OF THE SOLUTION! Free and open to all. Register here: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=vpnrezcab&oeidk=a07eaykoo7ge23b83a6 Contact kbarbery@savethesound.org with questions.